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Gutzel (Logigspiel)

Siehe Anleitung im Spiel. Drehe dein Handy dazu ins Querformat


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Joel Shapiro’s and Austin Fahsl’s backgammon project

Welcome to the wonderful world of games nobody plays.

To play, first you have to roll to see who goes first; do this by pressing the `roll dice` button.
Once a tie is broken, the winner’s turn will start.

The board will highlight which points you can start from, and once you select one it will show the
available moves that can be taken form that point. Click on the selected spot again will unselect it.
The log on the right is useful if something unexpected happened.

To ‚bear-off‘ pieces, simply click off the board (but near the edge of it) from a position which is able to bear-off.


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